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Announcing Audit Log

Thomas avatar
Shared by Thomas • May 13, 2024

Hi there 👋,

We're excited to introduce the new Audit Log feature! The Audit Log provides valuable insights into key activities related to HIPAA compliance, including:

Admin Activity:

  • Publishing policies
  • Managing inventory and third parties
  • Team member management
  • Processing incidents
  • Location management

Employee Activity:

  • Reviewing policies
  • Completing HIPAA training

Third Party Activity:

  • Signing Business Associate Agreements (BAAs)
  • Completing a risk questionnaire

With the Audit Log, you can:

  • Filter Logs: Easily filter through audit logs to find specific activities.
  • Export Logs: Export audit logs as a PDF for your records or reporting needs.

This feature helps you maintain a clear and detailed record of all relevant actions, ensuring compliance and transparency.