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Introducing the New Dashboard for Tracking your HIPAA Compliance Progress!

Thomas avatar
Shared by Thomas • March 22, 2024

Hi there,

The new dashboard is designed to help you quickly identify and take action to achieve HIPAA compliance. Here's what you can expect from the visual and interactive dashboard:

  1. Assign a Privacy Officer: Easily assign at least 1 privacy officer to your company, a crucial step towards compliance.
  2. Incident Response Monitoring: Activate the feature to enroll in incident response monitoring, essential as per HIPAA requirements.
  3. Publish Policies: Depending on your account type (Business Associate or Covered Entity), publish the required policies using our templates, upload existing policies, or create new ones.
  4. Invite Your Team: HIPAA compliance is a team effort. Quickly see how many team members you've invited and who needs to accept the invite.
  5. Security Risk Assessment: Conduct an extensive assessment to identify potential issues. The dashboard will highlight progress per category.
  6. Team Member Progress: Monitor how your team is doing with policy reviews and HIPAA training completion.
  7. Data Inventory: Get insights into the number of physical and online data sources where your company stores data.
  8. Third Parties and Business Associate Agreements: Easily manage third parties, vendors, clients, or partners, ensuring compliance with signed Business Associate Agreements (BAAs).

Try out the new dashboard today and streamline your compliance journey!

Thank you for choosing Accountable for your HIPAA compliance needs. We're here to support you every step of the way 🌟